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Friday, July 27, 2007

Are you causing Global warming !!!

The obesity epidemic has hit the world in a big way. But did you know that this epidemic could be the cause for decreasing snow and ice cover? A study conducted by New Scientist (in the June 27, 2007, edition) proves that the obesity epidemic is aggravating global warming. So far, we've only considered obesity as a public-health problem, but many of its causes seem to overlap with those of global warming.

So, how exactly does obesity have a direct impact on climate change?

• Obese people consume about forty per cent more in terms of calories than their lean counterparts. Since food production accounts for over 20 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, an obese population leaves a significantly heavier carbon footprint than a thin one

• Greater food consumption means more organic waste, which produces methane as it decomposes

• An obese person decides to drive more often than walk. A year on he/she might have gained a kilogram of weight and, as the weight continues to pile on over the years, he/she will find it harder to move around and is loath to walk or cycle anywhere

• Medical problems too crop up - back pain, arthritis and shortness of breath. It also increases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoarthritis, infertility, gallstones and several types of cancer

• In light of the previous two points, vehicle use and greater reliance on medical services use prodigious amounts of energy

• Low self-esteem leads to comfort eating and heavy drinking. Greater bulk and higher metabolic rate will cause the person to feel the heat more and then energy-intensive air-conditioning comes into the picture.

So are you causing global warming !!

what do you think about this study?

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